Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Creating the waterfront district

I thought that I would attempt to chroncicle the creation of the waterfront district. I had already started some of it, some of the street paving, the tracks are laid, the cut-out for the harbor is done & some of the buildings are done. The waterfront district also has the the engine yard & round house. Some of the business' in the district are an ore dock, a fuel dealer, some fishing business', Saulenas Tavern, the Anvil Bar, a pawn shop, a rescue mission/church, a boarding house, Velitkovskys Distributors/ heavy shipping, Coldwater Seafood Products, Geo Roberts Household Porducts. There will also be a lighthouse at the end of the pier. Stay tuned & we'll see how this work out. I've attached a link to other photo's on this entry.

Friday, December 19, 2008

In the begining.....

Well this is my attempt at a blog। I've never done this before & was inspired to do this by Joe-daddys blog as a way to document / share my N-scale model railroad empire with anyone who cares to follow along। I'm sure there will be other topics touched on from time to time, but it's primarily about my railroad interest। Enjoy, I guess, & feel free to comment along the way...More to come later. See the attached link below as a photo trip of the progress. C-ya!